I really don't want to be a bother, but before implementing the feature we probably should define what its meant to do and what its behavior should be.
At this point in time we were in the middle of discussing the behavior of AcoustID itself; the conclusion was that it was unreliable for distinguishing a recording and we needed to link every track to a release entity as well as the recording entity. As @mayhem said, only the first 120 seconds of the track are considered, so the conclusion of the analysis of each audio file is not final.
@petitminion however insists on using the AcoustID to link an audio file to every known release with that recording ID. I insist we should not. We're at a stalemate here, and I'm bothered nobody else has come to talk about it yet you're moving on to figuring out how to implement the feature already.
EDIT: I also want to point out this would be a massive dealbreaker if such a feature is hard-coded. I can definitely see users walking away when the software is becoming opinionated on how the library should behave, when witnessing automatic tagging. Which nobody with a large library can accept to see to their carefully tagged to the standard, or deliberately mistagged to their own purposes, library. I would know.