mjourdan Because Funkwhale needs so much reliable metadata, tagging is part of the Funkwhale experience. So I think this is something we should handle somehow, rather than setting it as an entry barrier in front of people who just want to have their audio online.
This wouldn't be a barrier, song still could be uploaded without any problems. From my pov tagging is not part of funkwhale. I use fw to discover music, not to tag my file because their is so better tools for this than fw.
mjourdan how much of a burden it would be if we were pushing the links from Funkwhale to MusicBrainz, in terms of moderation?
I which name this will be done ? The fw pod admin would have to create a mb account and will became responsible for theses links. If we use the user account, the user will have to link his account, instead of using mb directly.
mjourdan would that have privacy implications if we made it a strict requirement to push those metadata to MB for tracks with an MBID?
We could follow the privacy setting of the track for this.
mjourdan The issue would not totally be avoided I believe, as such links could still be placed in channels descriptions or user profiles.
not totally indeed, just partially.
mjourdan What if the admin could fix the link right through Funkwhale?
For me it's just useless, why have a fw ui to make edits to mb when you can make them directly in their website ?