mayhem And yes, a metadata index where we don't actually use MBIDs at all
So when troi check if the recordings are locally accessible it will just make a query to see if artist_credit, album name and recording title match with some data in the fw index ?
mayhem Typesense is the right tool here and I will develop this project using it. Should FW have issues with installing typesense, then you and the rest of the community can find some worse performing index to install in its place or to reinvent the wheel as you see fit. Just keep me out of these politics.
The discussion will certainly happen here, you are free to take part in it or not as you wish ofc.
I understand typesense is a good tool but we are creating a federated software here. It run on a large varieties of supports, so we need to be very careful about increasing load, installation complexity, etc
Idk what are the processing times we should tried to reach but if a postgresql request throught django is fast enough its maybe the better option. But I will let people that are more aware of our deployments methods to enlight us o/
mayhem I looked at this in detail yesterday and I'll add a command line --post-process
Perfect ! I suppose we will use troi has a library into our backend so we should make sure we can pass this has an function argument and not only has a command line one but it should be included in the change anyway o/