Brand new to funkwhale. In past years briefly ran subsonic and airsonic.
I'm trying to set up funkwhale on my Arch Linux box and I admit straight out I'm not a docker guru.
I'm kinda stumped here, wonder if someone can get me past this point:
$ dcu
Creating network "funkwhale_default" with the default driver
Creating funkwhale ... error
ERROR: for funkwhale Cannot start service funkwhale: failed to create endpoint funkwhale on network funkwhale_default: failed to add the host (veth22b578f) <=> sandbox (veth4f40d77) pair interfaces: operation not supported
ERROR: for funkwhale Cannot start service funkwhale: failed to create endpoint funkwhale on network funkwhale_default: failed to add the host (veth22b578f) <=> sandbox (veth4f40d77) pair interfaces: operation not supported
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.