My name is Kasper. I've been using funkwhale for over 2 years now. Since most of us probably like to listen to music, I might just inform you what kind of music I like (I really do not know what to write in the introduction threads). So it's Rock and Metal with all their subgenres. My favorite band is Katatonia.
But let's end this poor attempt at being social and speak some facts:
Over the course of last year, I've been actively working on fixing existing issues, implementing new features and improving the performance in the develop
branch. I've migrated the entire frontend to Typescript + Vue 3, added virtual scroller to the queue, rewrote the player to use Web Audio API, implemented nearly gapless playback, laid foundation for future desktop client if we'll decide to go with tauri, created a components library that can be used in other projects, created typescript API client, and other stuff that fixed a lot of bugs, but might've introduced new ones. But whenever a new bug related to my changes arrives, I try to fix it as fast as I can. Currenlty I'm rewriting the frontend upload mechanism to simplify and untangle the logic. When this is done, I will deal with the rest of the remaining issues for the 1.3.0 milestone.
For the 1.4.0 I want to rewrite the entire frontend (once again! yaaay!) to use the our component library (VUI) and the typescript API client and also implement some features like a 10 band EQ.
So... Why I wrote all this? Due to the recent rules changes that require me to introduce myself to become a member of a Developer group 🙂
Kasper, self-proclaimed Frontend Janitor of Funkwhale