I've being going around this for a while now trying to read in between the lines in the docs if importing music and manage it is supported, I find no answer.
Importing in place states clearly that these files won't be touched. So, it isn't much useful. Next option would be the cumbersome, wasteful and long process of duplicating the data to another place and then back.
I mounted an NFS share and first I symlinked it to /srv/funkwhale/data/music/musicagain
as suggested, with /srv/funkwhale/data/music
itself being another NFS symlink on its own*, the importer recognized only the parent folder in the GUI, I didn't felt confident enough to go on and kept looking how to import in place without "in-place". I found nothing and ended up here. 🙂 The files are already where they're supposed to be, and I'd like Funkwhale to manage them, what happens if I try to import them? It's specifically mentioned in the docs that duplicates are detected and I don't remember the action taken, but regardless, would it not work here?
Thanks for your help, hopefully I can start using Funkwhale soon.
*: my server has a tiny system disk, as most of them do, and endless mounted NFS space available—I'm not comfortable confining data into virtual disks