so I thought Easter was the perfect time to switch my RPi to Ubuntu and 64bit then realised that the all-in-one docker didn't support arm64 so thought it was time to switch to the multi docker setup (seeing that the all in one is being deprecated anyway).
I've not yet tried to move over my old DB (I may not bother with this), so I believe I've just followed the instructions as is to create a new instance.
I believe I compiled the image successfully for arm64 using:
I have followed the guide at:
But the nginx container keeps restarting continuously, and sadly the logs (docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 nginx) don't seem to show anything helpful? just a bunch of HTML which seems to show a 404 error?
The closest thing to an error is:
nginx_1 | 2022/04/17 09:34:55 [emerg] 12#12: unknown directive "<!DOCTYPE" in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:7
The api container seems to mention about not finding a .env, but I believe I have it setup correctly and I'm just using the docker-compose directly from the repo like the guide suggests:
Not sure if it's important but I plan to use traefik (in a docker - I ran it this way with the all in one just fine) as a reverse proxy but I've not set this up yet so I'm just running the containers as is but didn't carry out the reverse proxy part of the setup.
Any ideas?